Routine colonoscopy finds and stops life-threatening tumor
Inspiring MedicineRoutine colonoscopy finds and stops life-threatening tumorIn February 2013, Bella Perlman, 83, underwent a routine colonoscopy. For the first time, the test showed polyps in her...
View ArticleUnderstanding the genetic risk of cancer
Root of the problemUnderstanding the genetic risk of cancerJohn Gustafson’s story goes back a dozen years, when his brother “stumbled upon” a large number of polyps in his colon while only in his late...
View ArticleUncommon questions you should ask before getting a colonoscopy
Lifesaving ProcedureUncommon questions you should ask before getting a colonoscopyYou finally made the decision. You’re getting that screening colonoscopy your physician has been recommending. But...
View ArticleWhy you shouldn’t put off your colonoscopy
Why you shouldn’t put off your colonoscopyAccording to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is the third deadliest cancer in men and women in the United States. But it also is preventable...
View ArticleWhat do you do if you’re facing infertility?
What do you do if you’re facing infertility?Aiden was Elise Selvick’s miracle baby. After years of trying, she had finally gone to the doctor for help. What she found out was shocking — at only 30...
View ArticleWhat you can learn from Ryan Reynolds’ colonoscopy
What you can learn from Ryan Reynolds’ colonoscopyActor Ryan Reynolds was all over social media for an unusual reason lately, after he had a colonoscopy that turned up a small polyp that his doctor...
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